Come along and create a unique, beautiful arrangement that will be sure to impress your family and friends!
We only use the finest quality flowers that will look amazing and are long-lasting. All materials & equipment are supplied so you don't need to bring a thing! Refreshments & Lunch will be provided.
- Wednesday 4th March 2015
- Friday 6th March 2015
- Wednesday 11th March 2015
- Wednesday 18th March 2015
- Friday 20th March 2015
- Wednesday 25th March 2015
- Friday 27th March 2015
- Wednesday 15th April 2015
- Friday 17th April 2015
Time: 11am - 2pm 'ish.
£55 per head
Venue: October Cottage, Roman Rd, Nettleden, HP1 3DQ
Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment! Come along and bring a friend or two! Contact me to reserve your place. 4 people per workshop.