Forever Green
Hi, I'm Nicky Pritchard, the founder of Forever Green Floral Design.
Having worked in the music industry as a PA for 10 years, I left to have my daughter, Ellie, and in 1997 moved to rural Hertfordshire. In 2008 I realised that my passion for gardening and flowers could be more than just a hobby. Having been a complete failure at school, I nervously decided to enrol at College. That was eight years ago, and I still love being a mature student! In the past eight years, I have started my own business, juggled with home life, and studied for and passed my City and Guilds levels 2 & 3 with distinction and last year passed my level 4 Higher Diploma with Merit, at Merrist Wood College in Guildford. I am delighted to say that I have just become a Master in Floristry (August 2016) too. which has been a real challenge. I have converted my garage into a studio. In addition to very early starts to the flower markets, I also use my beautiful garden for different foliages and flowers that I can use in my designs. My proudest moments so far includes winning a RHS Bronze Medal at the Hampton Court Flower Show and decorating the stage at the Royal Albert Hall for the fourth year running.